• Ramallah - Palestine
  • NDTCataaup.edu
  • +970-2-2941999


On June 20, 2023, during the first International Conference on Digital Transformation organized by the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour – Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American University – announced the establishment of the first National Center for Digital Transformation in Palestine. Consequently, this concept paper aims to clarify the idea of the National Center for Digital Transformation at the Arab American University in Palestine. Being the first of its kind in Palestine, this center will serve as a pioneering institution dedicated to driving digital transformation, enhancing technological progress, and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in Palestine. It will act as a catalyst for digital transformation across various sectors to contribute to the growth and development of the digital ecosystem in Palestine. Palestine stands today at a critical juncture, where the adoption of digital technologies and embracing digital transformation can have a profound impact on the social and economic landscape. The National Center for Digital Transformation will play a pivotal role in ensuring that Palestine harnesses the full potential of the digital revolution. Globally, the world is witnessing a significant acceleration in digital transformation processes, with companies, institutions, and governments striving to adopt digital technology and innovations to improve services and increase productivity to enhance operational efficiency, expand access to information and services, and contribute to sustainable development. In Palestine, digital transformation plays a pivotal role in enhancing technological infrastructure and developing the local economy. Despite unique challenges arising from political and economic conditions, digital transformation represents an opportunity to boost innovation, expand business horizons, and achieve sustainable development. Additionally, the Palestinian government has prepared the Palestinian Digital Agenda, the Palestinian Technology Cluster, the Artificial Intelligence Strategy, and strategies for health and education, while the Palestinian private sector has developed sectoral digital strategies, all of which require a specialized center to support initiatives, activities, programs, and tasks resulting from these important strategies.

From here emerges the importance of establishing this center as a specialized entity focused on enhancing and accelerating digital transformation processes in Palestine. The center aims to provide guidance, training, and necessary resources to companies, institutions, government agencies, and entrepreneurs to support them in adopting technology and developing digital transformation strategies, thereby contributing to a flourishing digital economy in Palestine and enhancing its global competitiveness.

The establishment of the National Center for Digital Transformation at the Arab American University is an initiative with a vision that holds tremendous potential for the future of Palestine. By embracing digital transformation, promoting innovation, and equipping individuals and institutions with digital skills, the center will contribute to economic growth, social development, and the empowerment of the Palestinian community. Through its comprehensive services, research endeavors, and collaboration with relevant entities, the center will position Palestine as a regional leader in digital transformation and contribute to driving progress and establishing a digitally enabled state.

In conclusion, the establishment of the National Center for Digital Transformation represents a decisive step in Palestine's journey towards digital transformation, with the center serving as a vital hub for shaping the future of technology in the country. It will provide guidance and resources necessary for developing and implementing effective digital transformation strategies. With this center in place, Palestine will be closer to achieving tangible progress in the digital economy and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. Engaging the government, community, and private sector in this effort will also be of great importance to ensure the success of this essential transformation.

Integration Not Competition and Conflict: The university asserts that this center will not eliminate any national governmental, private, or civil bodies, nor will it take over their roles or replace them. Instead, the center will serve as a complementary, collaborative entity supporting digital transformation efforts in Palestine.

Legal, Administrative, and Financial Affiliation: The center will be affiliated with the Arab American University in all financial, administrative, and legal aspects until it can become independent from the university. The center may be officially registered as an independent institution after at least 5 years, once it is confirmed to be selfThe provided Arabic text outlines the establishment of the National Center for Digital Transformation (NDTC) at the Arab American University, announced during the first International Conference on Digital Transformation on June 20, 2023. Dr. Yousef Asfour, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American University, highlighted the center's role as a pioneering institution in Palestine dedicated to leading digital transformation, technological progress, and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. The center aims to serve as a catalyst for digital transformation across various sectors, contributing to the growth of Palestine's digital ecosystem. The text emphasizes the critical juncture at which Palestine stands, where embracing digital technologies can significantly impact the social and economic landscape. It mentions the Palestinian government's efforts like the Palestinian Digital Agenda and the private sector's digital strategies, all necessitating a specialized center for support. The establishment of NDTC is seen as a strategic move to enhance Palestine's digital economy, competitiveness, and overall societal advancement through comprehensive services, research, and strategic partnerships.